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Become a more effective cross-cultural servant with the training to stay safe.

Field Security Seminar

CCI’s Field Security Seminar is a three-day interactive training for faith-based workers living in or traveling to higher risk environments around the globe.

The course is taught by CCI’s experienced security experts and, like other CIT courses, utilizes adult learning techniques (a mixture of classroom instruction, discussion groups, real case studies, and live simulations) to help participants understand, evaluate, and appropriately respond to the types of security risks which may be encountered overseas.

During the Field Security Seminar participants will learn to:

  • Think proactively about security risks
  • Exercise leadership in field emergencies
  • Develop situational and environmental awareness
  • Understand best practices in avoiding a security incident
  • Identify and counteract basic and advanced surveillance
  • Manage and survive violent encounters and active shooters
  • Manage interrogation
  • Manage carjackings
  • Survive a hostage event
  • Avoid becoming the target of an attack
  • Manage group travel security
  • Manage checkpoints
  • Survive vehicle ambushes
  • Understand the dynamics of landmines and IEDs

If you are interested in attending a Field Security Seminar, please register with us directly. If you have any questions, contact us at citmail@cit-online.org.

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