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Our Mission:

To glorify God by preparing and equipping cross-cultural workers with the missiological, biblical, and personal tools needed for strategic and effective cross-cultural ministry.

About CIT

God is moving in unprecedented ways around the world in our day!

With new technologies, the movement of people to other countries, social and political upheaval, natural disasters, and economic challenges, more people are hearing and responding to the Good News than ever before. Those sent to obey the Great Commission must be ready to share the good news effectively to other cultures. This is the task of CIT!

CIT equips people and churches around the world for a more fruitful and effective cross-cultural ministry. Studies have shown that when people are trained in how to understand, adapt to, and live well in other cultures they produce more fruit for the Kingdom and last longer in ministry than those without it. This is the goal for pre-field training and debrief through CIT Residential, and for distance learning through CIT Next once people are in their country of service. CIT Global trains and equips people from other cultures and nations using CIT values that are adapted to those cultures. This is why CIT is so important!

Our Ministry Cares About…

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning

Spiritual Formation

Emphasize spiritual resources available in Christ and the gospel to lead to ongoing heart transformation, grateful worship, and a fruitful life and ministry

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Biblical, missiological, personal and spiritual dynamics are integrated throughout the curriculum

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning

Appropriate Instructional Strategies

Implement instructional methods that are appropriate for learners and learner goals

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning

Age-Appropriate Learning Principles

Make learning highly reflective, relational, participative, and interactive in a safe and encouraging environment for all age levels

Our Training Cares About…

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Rely on God and the work of the Holy Spirit as these are essential for heart transformation resulting in effective ministry.

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Work together as individuals and organizations as this models Kingdom values

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Build trust through esteeming one another, servant attitudes, open communication, loving relationships, and shared values

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Treat each participant, organization, partner, and staff member with respect and value

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Support integration of learning for the whole person and family through life-on-life relationships in community.

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Pursue calling, character, and experience in staff as they represent the curriculum.

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Value and depend upon volunteers who invest their time, talents, and money.

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Engage in ongoing and sustained improvement in staffing, program, and facilities.

Our training values creates an environment of effective learning

Fiscally Responsible

Operate within a break-even status with monies spent based on available resources


Our training values creates an environment of effective learning


Continually explore and test new ideas, methods, and tools to increase impact and effectiveness

What We Believe: Learn More

  • The Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and his personal return in power and glory.
  • The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
  • The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

(adopted from the statement of Faith of the WEA)

In addition to our Statement of Faith, we affirm the Lausanne Covenant (1974) and look to it for wisdom and guidance in our faith and practice.

Cross-Cultural Workers Trained

Churches & Agencies Utilizing CIT

Years Field Experience for our Facilitators

Facilitators with Doctoral Degrees

Facilitators with Masters Degrees

“We are grateful for our partnership with CIT and truly look forward to working with them as we help prepare future missionaries to reach the field healthy, equipped and ready to serve the Lord as he guides.

“Being a CIT partner gives you the benefit of fellowship with other leaders of sending organizations. When we are together, we share resources, encouragement, prayer and stories of what God is doing around the globe. ”

“If you are a smaller mission organization that struggles to afford the resources needed to prepare new workers for service overseas, then CIT is the best option available for excellence in preparation to communicate the Gospel cross-culturally.

If your agency is interested in becoming a CIT Partner, contact Lori Torrison at ltorrison@cit-online.org for more information and to request a CIT Partner application.

Other Non-Partner Agencies using CIT resources:

You don’t have to be a partner to send missionaries to CIT, but partnership has great benefits.

Baptist Mid Missions
Christian Health Services Corps
Christian Resource Ministries
Christian Veterinary Mission
Encompass World Partners
Equip International
Extreme Response International
Forgotten Children Worldwide

Global Year
GoLiveServe International
Horizons International
International Ministries
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Josiah Venture
Launch Global
Mission Aviation Fellowship

Ripe for Harvest
SCORE International
SEND International
Servants in Fellowship
Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators
Team Expansion
World Gospel Mission
World Team
World Venture
Youth Ministry International

(Double click to zoom in on the schedule)

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