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Our staff makes our cross- cultural training, unique, God-oriented, community oriented and set to your personal learning style.

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Our Office Address:

6494 Hudlow Road
Union Mills, NC 28167

Phone Number:


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 250
Union Mills, NC 28167

Email Us Directlycitmail@cit-online.org

Our Location:

The CIT is located on a 28 acre campus is located 1/2 mile east of Hwy 221 on Hudlow Road in Union Mills, North Carolina. Union Mills is between Asheville and Charlotte, North Carolina and north of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Union Mills is not noted on many maps but it is approximately 11.5 miles south of I-40 (exit 85) on Hwy 221 and approximately 9 miles north of Rutherfordton on Hwy 221. A cell phone tower is .2 miles north of the Hudlow Road/221 intersection.

Airline service is most commonly used from CLT (Charlotte-Douglas International Airport) and GSP (Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport, South Carolina). Asheville Airport is also sometimes used.

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