Become a more effective servant with a renewed heart and mind
Engage Retreat
5 Day Spiritual Retreat
Through the Gospel we are invited to a life intertwined with the heart of God for the world, leading to an authentically missional life in which ministry flows out of being. Mesa Global, formerly UWM, desires this kind of life for all missionaries, staff, and for everyone we serve with around the world.
In cooperation with CIT, Mesa Global is offering a spiritual retreat designed to provide a biblically rich, Christ-centered process within an Evangelical framework that prepares servants for growing in Christ-likeness in the context of busy ministry. This retreat draws from some of the best Christian practices and teachings in Christian history.

The Retreat Includes:
- A guided process using “Rooted Deeply” by Chad Hollowell
- “7 Sins & Virtues Examen” by Chad Hollowell
- Short teachings on helpful spiritual disciplines and themes on spirituality
- Space for guided reflections and spiritual friendship.
Contact Paul Johnson with questions about the retreat:
Contact CIT with any questions about registration/housing: 800-877-1786 or